Progress on my GameMaker SHMUP - Project Ambivalence - Working Android Controls

I made Espgaluda-style controls for my GameMaker: Studio mobile game Project Ambivalence. Or, how I like to call it, Project Ambitious. har, har, har.
You can watch the video right here:

Well, much better if you compare it to the video from march 2014:

It's really going somewhere :)
I'm really pissed by the fact that I don't have much time atm, working at a modern company in FFM. I'm working on Ruby on Rails projects jobwise, but sadly nothing with games. I have to start managing my time better, so that one day I can say goodbye to this messed up, oldskool 8 to 5 lifestyle. I just don't like it, gahh.

Anyways, here are some goodies for you:

Various sprites from the game, mainly for testing

A sketch for the >>glacier<< spaceship from Project Ambivalence.

This week I implemented twisted radial bullets and a new system for debugging the game's enemies. Still have to clarify some stuff inside of the game. Also working on the slavery simulator 2014, but I don't think that I can post screenshots for that on here :)

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