Android Gaming Recommendations #2

It seems that from time to time, I can accidently find a good game in the vortex that is called
Android Market Google Play Store.
What I've found? Well, let me show you.
What I'm not taking into account in this Post is the date of release of these apps, since what you might find in the Play Store is often based on pure Luck.

This game, while being some kind of rip-off from Doodle Jump or Mega Jump, convinces through it's sheer 
cuteness. Cordy is SilverTree Media's mascot, and a good one indeed.
The game itself focuses around Cordy, who, after repairing his rocket ship in the first Cordy Game (which isn't a Doodle Jump clone but rather a 3D Sidescrolling Jump'n'Run), has to make an emergency landing yet again.
This game features many power-ups (which you can earn trough hard 'grinding' of the game, or buy via In-App purchases), a sidekick named 'Volt' who acts as a 1UP, and nice Bonus levels.
Just give it a try!

If you're a hardcore Tower Defense fan like me, then you must play Radiant Defense!
It has really sleek and fluid Graphics, nice Strategy gaming and unique new additions to the Genre.
The sad thing though is that the game can be really hard and punishing without making in-app purchases, which is a hard contra for me. It's one of those game where you would rather pay a few bucks then be "cheated" like this. For example, the best Weapons and Upgrades (like double money from Monsterkills) are only available through purchase.
This makes the game nearly unplayable, if I may say so.

This baseball game from Gamevil (the guys behind Zenonia and other JRPG's) has really nice 2D graphics.
You can either play as a batter or pitcher. The Story is told like a JRPG, keeping true to Gamevil's roots.
Although i fail miserably at this game (ehh... I'm European) I still recommend it, because it has nice simulation features, good controls, and quick Baseball Action.

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