Goodbye MegaUpload, Welcome xrlGames!

Hey folks!
Yesterday // Today (according to your timezone) marks the day of the death of MegaUpload, and coincidentally the birth of the xiq Revolution Labs Blogs :)

This is my Blog about all things Games. Alltough my focus will be mostly retro / 2d / 16-bit games.
I will be introducing you to classic shmups, modern indies and niché games alike, since those are not only my favourite, but also, in my opinion, the most worthwhile games. While you can play games like Gears of War or Halo Reach for hours, it's also to sit down and let the creativity of people stream through your brains.
For me, the Indie Scene is something like the 69's Woodstock, that edge of gaming that doesn't revolve around mainstream media and / or principle ideas.
The Developers do whatever they want, mostly if their game is published freely, because there's no money burning the fuel in their arse.
Many Indie & Amateur games are like delicious DIY meals, while those so-called "Triple A" titles are often disappointing reruns on existing concepts, ideas and storys.

I will prefix every post with a sign indicating the games platform, for example pc or android. What you shouldn't await expect are up-to-date pre-release informations or leaks, that's part of my Zen Style ;P
I'll take time for the good, where good is due.
I Hope we'll have much fun in the future :)


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